*Rant Warning*
Okay, I've been looking at the Stonewall website today...There's a section there labelled: 'History of lesbian, gay and bisexual equality'. Having read this, though, I am left with several questions, not least of which is 'Do Bi-sexuals have any History?'. Stonewall seems to think not. There are plenty of references to social changes and campaigning brought about through Gay and Lesbian action, but not a whisper regarding bi-sexuals, or of how historical changes have affected us or been affected by us.
Invisible again? Dismissed as irrelevant or less important than Gays or Lesbians? It has me angry, but it genuinely has me asking, too... Have Bi-sexuals impacted on society enough to change attitudes and legislation? Is our invisibility, our absence from historical reference, our own fault? Answers and comments very much invited.