Tuesday, September 06, 2011

HIV - Know your status

Everyone should know their HIV status, and have it updated regularly. As a polyamorous person I am very conscious of how important it is to monitor your sexual health. You have a responsibility to all your partners, but also to yourself. HIV positive is not a death sentence, unless you stay ignorant of your status. The sooner someone is diagnosed the better their chances of survival are. It's my feeling that we all should get tested regularly, even if we believe we are in a monogamous relationship.

I'd actually like to promote testing for all STIs, not just HIV. Chlamydia is a massive problem here in the UK, particularly amongst teens and twenty-somethings. The consequences of contracting an STD such as hepatitis or herpes can be horrendous, changing your life forever. Please, look after those you love, look after your 'friends with benefits', look after your one-night-stands. Above all, look after yourself.

Sexual health is a two-way street. No good knowing your own status unless you are sure about your partner(s)too. Being asked to take a test isn't a sign of a lack of faith or trust. Asking someone else to get tested is saying you care and want them to stay well.

This post is made in support of the 'Know Your HIV Status' campaign.

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